Friday, September 22, 2017

Vocabulary fall list # 3

Coherent- having a natural or due agreement of parts

Belabor- to explain, worry about, or work at (something) repeatedly, or more than is necessary.

Eschew- to abstain or keep away from

Acquisitive- tending or seeking to acquire and own often greedily

Emulate- to try to equal or excel, limítate with effort to equal or surpass

Banal- devoid of freshness or originality; hacheneyed ; trite

Excoriation- the act of excoriating

Congeal- to change from a soft or fluid state to a rigid or solid state, as by cooling or freezing

Carping- characterized by fuzzy or petulant faultfunding; querulous

Substantiate- to establish by proof or competent evidence

Temporize- to comply with the time or accession

Largesse- generou bestowel of gifts

Tenable- capable of being held, maintained, or defended asagacinst attack or dispute

Insatiable- not satiable; incapable of being satisfied or appeased

Reconnaissance- the act of reconnoitering

Germane- closely or signification related

Ramify- to divide or spread out into branches or branchlike parts

Intransigent- refusing to agree or compromise

Traciture- inclined to silence; reserved in speech

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Smart goal

What do you want to accomplished?
S (Specific)- I want to get a better grade in my classes

When will you know you acomplished your goal?
M(Measurable)- when I see the grade that I want in my classes

How can the goal be acomplished?
A(Attainable)- by getting a high score on my test and quizzes and also doing my homework

Is this goal worth working hard to acomplished?
R(Relevant)- yes because I want to pass my classes and have a better GPA next year

By when will your goal be acomplished?
T(Timely)- By the end of the semester my goal will be acomplished

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Vocabulary: fall list # 2

  • Faith- to believe 
  • Threshold-  a strip of wood, metal, or stone forming the bottom of a doorway
  • Tarry- to linger or stay longer
  • Resolve- to find a solution to something
  • Discern- to recognize 
  • Martyr- a person who suffers death rather than renounce his or her religion
  • Mirth-a laughter or joy
  • Catechism- a summary of the Christian religion
  • Pious- having or showing a dutiful spirit of reverence for god
  • Frenzy- when someone is wild 

Friday, September 8, 2017

Earth on turtle's back

the Earth on turtles back is a good short story because it could be good for some kids they mostly like those kinds of books. It's a good story because it talks about the earth and the water which is very good.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Vocabulary fall list #1

theme- is the main or the center idea
Mood-is happy or mad
Tone- is the author additiud torwords the subject,character ,or the audience
Diction- the words an author uses
Syntax- how the author puts words together
Stupid- having or showing a great lack of inteigence or common sense
Adumbrate-to produce a faint image
Apotheosis- to elevation or exaltation of a person to the rank of god
Ascetic-a person who dedicates his or her life to a pursuit
Bauble- a showy, usually cheap
Beguile- to influence by trickery, flattery, etc
Burgeon-to grow or develop quickly
Complement-something that completes or makes perfect
Contumacious- stubborning perverse or rebellious
Curmudgeon -a bad temperate,difficult cantankerous person
Aidactic-not stereaspecive

Right to your opinion

In the articl it said that you have the right to your opinion and that's true because everyone has their own right to everything. You could also say what you have in mind because that your right and everyone has a right to everything.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Richard Cory

So from what I read, Richard Cory was a very nice men with everyone in the small town,but  When Richard was home he was not the happiest men because maybe he had a lot of problem in his life and he couldn't take it anymore so he decided to put a bullet through his head. Yea he was the richest men but the money didn't make him happy.

Book club of one

I think that it’s better to talk about a book with people that had read the book because you could picture the same thing that you thing is ...